Hello Parents and Kids,
Wow, can you believe this is the last set of lesson plans for the school year? Thanks again for the comments on the lesson plans from last week.
Normally on the last week of school we have a game day with everyone. So here is the plan for your family.
Here are some games and activities you can do for gym class this week. Have fun and try as many as you would like.
1. Simon Says
2. Try some yoga ( their is some kid friendly ones on-line)
3. Frisbee and Frisbee golf (you can make your own course)
4. Plan a scavenger hunt for the kids ( dosen't have to be a big one)
5, Follow the leader, active movements
6, Jump rope and hula hoops
7. Hot lava ( moving from one place another without touching the ground)
8. Four square (if the kids remember how to play)
To the 5 grade: It was an honor to teach you over the last few years or so. You were a great class of students and I know you all will go far. Good luck in the future. Hope you stay active and try new and fun activities. I will miss all of you.
Miss LeClair
Have fun and enjoy the nice weather. Have a great summer and stay active and safe and see you next year.
Miss LeClair....